Forgetfulness, thy name is Reader!

Hey, everybody! Reader here, and I have to admit, sometimes I have some forgetful moments.

Often, they’re minor things, like walking out of my apartment without my phone, or forgetting to pack something I wanted to take with me on a road trip.

Today, I was heading to the walking track, and I stopped to grab something to drink and a pack of gum on the way there. I always like to pop in a piece of gum while I walk or run, to keep my mouth from drying out as I go. Anyhoo, I got to the Gloria Hayden Community Centre, and when I went to grab the gum, I realized that when I had paid for my stuff at the convenience store, I grabbed my drinks, but left my gum sitting on the counter.

By the time I realized wat I had done, I was on the other side of town, but I still felt kind of dumb. At least I’m only out the cost of the pack of gum.

That wasn’t my most expensive brainfart, though.

Back in 2010, I was in Calgary for a co-worker’s wedding, and on the way there, we stopped off at a drug store, and while we were there, I hit the ATM to grab some cash. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize until we left, that I did everything at the ATM except to take my cash, which means I inadvertently gave someone the gift of a couple hundred bucks!

Fortunately, it didn’t bankrupt me, and I hope whoever ended up with my money was able to put it to good use!

Even a couple of weeks ago, I managed to walk out of my apartment, and forget my keys, locking myself out!

Give your head a shake, Reader! Well, I s’pose you live and learn!

Out of curiosity, I asked our handy-dandy AI assistant for tips on how to become less forgetful, and here’s what it came up with:

  1. Get some quality sleep. (Definitely something I need to do more of!)
  2. Jot things down or use a planner. (Maybe a day planner could be useful, though if I have any appointments I need to remember, I add it to the calendar on my phone!)
  3. Snack on some nuts or berries for a brain boost. (I do love me some almonds, peanuts and raspberries – the greatest of all berries!)
  4. Enjoy a leisurely walk to get the blood flowing. (That’s one I’m trying to do more. Since running the 5K in August, I haven’t been quite as active, and I need to remedy that!)
  5. Find your zen with some meditation. (I could use more time to just sit, breathe, and be at peace. Maybe I need to start taking yoga classes again!)
  6. Have fun with a puzzle or brain game. (I do have some puzzles here at home to work on. I should get back on it!)
  7. Sip on water throughout the day. (I definitely drink more water at work than I do at home. More balance that way would be a good thing!)

Give these tips a try, and see if they help! I’ll definitely give these a go, so I don’t end up like our old pal, Forgetful Jones!

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