Reader catches up with one of his oldest friends!

Reader here!

What is is about those long-lasting friendships, that go as far back as childhood, that endure?

I’ve been pretty lucky in my lifetime, in that I’ve made some pretty close pals along the way, right from the time I was a kid, up until the present day.

But it’s always super cool when you can keep in touch with those who have known you the longest.

Last week, my buddy Shane, who I’ve known for pretty much as long as I can remember, and was one of my best friends growing up shot me a text to let me know he was going to be working in and around Yorkton for a couple of days, and asked if I wanted to hang out.

Without hesitation, I jumped at the opportunity.

We go way back. When I started Kindergarten in the early 80’s in Conquest, Shane was in Grade One in the same classroom. And our teacher? His mom.

He and I would be playing with Star Wars and G.I. Joe toys, drawing superheroes, and engaging in random silliness.

Over the years, he and his family would move around, from Conquest to Wiseton, Kinistino and Imperial, but we would always hang out for a few days here and there.

His brother Brendan and my brother Ward were good buddies as well, and often, we’d go to send a few days with them over winter break, and then they’d come hang out at the farm in the summer.

But me and Shane used to get into our fair share of hijinks, including drawing warped superheroes on the wall of the barn.

We used to write long letters full of stupidity and doodlings, that no one else would get but us.

One time I was visiting, and we had the bright idea (in the glorious pre-internet days) to phone the offices of all the NBA teams, and see if they would send us free stuff. We got a bunch of different things, including media guides, bumper stickers, autographed pictures, and hats. Which was great. Of course, once his parents got the phone bill, and saw all the calls we had been making stateside, he caught hell!

In high school, we went chasing girls at dances in Watrous. We’d crush pizza and watch hockey and basketball, and just basically be two idiots enjoying life.

And when we get the opportunity, we still hang out, and go for a beverage, reminisce and catch up.

In 2010, he got the last laugh, when his Chicago Blackhawks beat my Philadelphia Flyers in the Stanley Cup Final. But we were able to hang out and watch one of the games and razz each other.

Those friendships, that no matter how much time goes by, you can just pick up and resume as if no time has gone by are just the best!

I bet a lot of you have those kind of friends, too, who knew you then, know you now, and are your “ride or die” pals.

Maybe you haven’t seen them in a while. Why not take the opportunity to catch up?

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