
Reader travels back in time with Degrassi!

Reader travels back in time with Degrassi!

Jan 16, 2025 | 10:32pm
Hey, everybody! Reader here, and over the last few days, I’ve found myself going down another YouTube rabbit hole. For as much junk as there is online, YouTube can be an amazing treasure trove when it comes to the ol’ nostalgia bug. For Canadian kids of a certain vintage like myself, growing up in the […]
YouTube is Now Legally Old Enough To Drink

YouTube is Now Legally Old Enough To Drink

Apr 24, 2024 | 12:00pm
Can you believe that YouTube has been around since 2005? That’s right, YouTube turned 19 This week. April 23rd, 2005 and it can now legally drink anywhere in Canada. While it came out in 2005, Google purchased it a year later in 2006. The first video ever uploaded to YouTube was titled “Me at the […]

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