
Reader beats the heat with Ice Cream!

Reader beats the heat with Ice Cream!

Jul 18, 2024 | 9:20pm
What’s up, everybody? Reader here, and as we head into the weekend, we’re getting back into hotter temperatures, and with that, comes a desire to beat the heat with a tasty treat. What could be better than ice cream? (Well, I guess maybe not for those who are lactose-intolerant, but I know there are dairy-free […]
Brain: 0, Stomach: 1

Brain: 0, Stomach: 1

Jul 16, 2024 | 11:44am
Ever have those moments where your brain says one thing, but your stomach says another? So there I was at the store, all set to buy some hair product, and then I came across a bag of Goldfish crackers on sale. My brain was telling me, “You don’t need any snacks,” but my stomach was […]
Reader vs. the Molten Pizza Pops of Doom!

Reader vs. the Molten Pizza Pops of Doom!

Jun 25, 2024 | 10:57pm
Reader here! As you all know, I’m a man driven to fill my stomach whenever possible. I love to eat, and I’m usually game to try anything. A few weeks ago, I was strolling down the frozen food aisle in one of our local supermarkets, when something caught my eye, and I was instantly intrigued. […]
Reader’s in Hot Dog Heaven!

Reader’s in Hot Dog Heaven!

May 22, 2024 | 8:28pm
Hey, everybody!  Reader here, and now that barbecue season is in full swing (though really, does it every truly end?), let’s talk about one of my favourite things to grill… The humble hot dog.  The terrific tubesteak.  The wonderful weiner. Whatever you call them, it’s tough to beat a few hot dogs, whether they’re done […]
Lightly Salted Chips: Worth It? First Try Review

Lightly Salted Chips: Worth It? First Try Review

May 21, 2024 | 11:18am
If you are a chip lover like me, there’s a thousand different flavours to choose from. One I always overlook are the lightly salted ones. They just look plane jane to me honestly, and why not just go with original? Well, I just recently tried Ruffles’ lightly salted chips and was pleasantly surprised! But why […]
Reader gets fishy in Swan River!

Reader gets fishy in Swan River!

May 5, 2024 | 6:31pm
Reader here! Hope you’re enjoying your weekend, whatever you’ve been up to. Me? I’ve been spending the day relaxing after a great Saturday in Swan River! I had the pleasure of being invited back to serve as the roving MC for the 37th annual Swan Valley Sport Fishing Enhancement Inc. Banquet and Membership Supper, at […]
Reader and his Air Fryer(s) – A Match Made in Heaven!

Reader and his Air Fryer(s) – A Match Made in Heaven!

Apr 17, 2024 | 12:40pm
Have you jumped on the air fryer bandwagon yet? I totally have, and and it’s been awesome! The other night, I fired mine up to make a little supper, and I though I’d put it to our listeners, and see what kind of things you like to whip up in your air fryers. The answers […]
The Blue Jays’ Home Opener and Reader’s Ballpark Memories

The Blue Jays’ Home Opener and Reader’s Ballpark Memories

Apr 8, 2024 | 7:47pm
What’s up, everybody? Reader here. The Major League Baseball season got underway about a week and a half ago, and the Toronto Blue Jays have spent their first ten games on the road, as the latest renovations were completed at Rogers Centre, which included the demolition and rebuild of the lower deck seats and clubhouse. […]
What Is “Applejuicification” and is it a Real Thing?

What Is “Applejuicification” and is it a Real Thing?

Apr 2, 2024 | 11:50am
Have you heard of “Applejuicification”? Neither did I, until a thread on X recently blew up all about it. What this thread, and the comments suggest or theorize, is another form of “skimpflation” where companies use cheaper ingredients while keeping the retail price the same to maximize profit. I mean guava & lime juice having […]
Reader’s roadie to Melville to cheer on the Millionaires in playoff action!

Reader’s roadie to Melville to cheer on the Millionaires in playoff action!

Mar 28, 2024 | 8:06am
Hey, everybody – Reader here! It was a big night at C.N. Community Centre in Melville last night, as the Millionaires were looking to keep their season alive, when they played host to the defending SJHL champion Battlefords North Stars, in Game Four of their quarterfinal series. After the visitors exploded for a four goal […]